Wednesday, September 21, 2011

                          Movie Night
                                Tuesday October 4, 2011
              6:30 PM

    This must see documentary that will change the way you treat your body.

           La Costa Chiropractic & Wellness- 6986 El Camino Real, Suite F
                                Carlsbad, CA 92009  760-438-9548
                              Lisa Mittry, CNC, CPT – 818-389-1914


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Acid Reflux and Your Gut Health

As a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, one of my many beliefs, and that of numerous health professionals, is that “life and death begins in the gut”. I am amazed these days by how many people I consult with who have multiple digestive issues. One that seems to be the most pervasive is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It doesn’t discriminate by age or sex, and its frequency can be quite disruptive to one’s life. I am sure many of you have seen the numerous commercials on television promising fast relief for your 'acid indigestion' by taking one pill and not having to change your diet at all. Seems simple and harmless enough but, is it? These prescriptions or OTCs are referred to as, ‘Proton Pump Inhibitors’ or ‘acid blockers’. These products were designed by the manufacturers for short term use (about 16 weeks) while allowing for cool down and repair. The HCL (hydrochloric acid) that is being blocked in the stomach is vital to digestive health. Healthy HCL “turns on” Pepsin which is a key player in protein digestion. HCL activates Secretin which “turns on” pancreatic enzymes which help digest vegetables and starches as well as protein and fat. HCL also “turns on” Cholecystokinin which also activates healthy fat digestion. HCL’s main role is to kill the bacteria on foods that can cause GI distress. If you could actually see all the bacteria that was on your food, you probably wouldn’t want to eat it however; healthy HCL is meant to do the combat. We hear on the news about a breakout of dangerous bacteria, salmonella or E.coli on food. What is interesting is that some people become violently ill, while others never experience any symptoms after exposure. I recently heard the questions posed; is there now more salmonella and E. coli, or could it be that people are taking more acid suppressing medications, which leaves them less resistant to the germs? Stomach cancer is on the rise and H.Pylori is associated with it. Could it be that the drugs are suppressing and disrupting?  So what are some of the adverse effects of suppressing HCL?

·         A 2006 study from the University of Pennsylvania demonstrates a serious side effect of acid suppressing drugs. There is a 94% increased risk of hip fractures for people taking a class of acid suppressors longer than one year.
·         Stomach acid imbalances affect how nutrients are absorbed, particularly calcium, B12 and other minerals such as zinc and copper.
·         Acid blockers may then adversely affect bone remodeling or metabolism.

The longer you take these drugs, the higher your risk for potential problems. I strongly encourage you to consult with a practitioner familiar with natural therapies that promote healing. Remember, small changes can equal big results.

Lisa Mittry, CNC, CPT
La Costa Chiropractic and Wellness Center
6986 El Camino Real, Suite F
Carlsbad, CA  92009
760.438.9548 (phone)
760.438.1603 (fax)

Driven by Passion, Inspired by Love”

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lisa Mittry, CNC, CPT Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultant: Not All Salt Is Created Equal

Lisa Mittry, CNC, CPT Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultant: Not All Salt Is Created Equal: " Not All Salt is Created Equal Reasons to Consider Pink Himalayan Crystal Salt ..."

Not All Salt Is Created Equal

               Not All Salt is Created Equal
                        Reasons to Consider Pink Himalayan Crystal Salt

                    Containing all of the 84 elements found in your body.
             Some know benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt include:

1.    Regulating the water content throughout your body.
2.    Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
3.    Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
4.    Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
5.    Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
6.    Supporting respiratory health.
7.    Promoting sinus health.
8.    Prevention of muscle cramps.
9.    Promoting bone strength.
10.  Regulating your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep.
11.  Supporting your libido.
12.  Promoting vascular health.
13.  In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.

Lisa Mittry, CNC, CPT

La Costa Chiropractic and Wellness Center
6986 El Camino Real, Suite F
Carlsbad, CA  92009
760.438.9548 (phone)
760.438.1603 (fax)

“Driven by Passion, Inspired by Love”

Friday, July 22, 2011

How Micronutrieints Effect Weight Loss

              How Micronutrients Effect Weight Loss
  • When given the proper tools, it is easier to maintain proper health, including weight management. When you are healthy and your body has all the tools necessary to function properly, your workouts will be more effective.
    Some micro nutrients are closely involved in specific body functions related to weight management. For example, Vitamins B1, B5, and B6 aid in metabolism, while Chromium aid in insulin action, and Selenium and Iodine contribute to thyroid hormone function. Metabolism, insulin and thyroid hormones can all have an effect on body weight and appetite.


But, again results were nor very conclusive. The JACKPOT was found out when OBESITY has been looked at. Another Researcher, Bruce Ames, from Oakland Research Institute, has put forward a new theory: the lack of micro-nutrients, like iron, magnesium, zinc and other vitamins. In some cases, the lack of these is very important, even in USA. For example, 56% of American Adults are lacking magnesium, and 92% lack Vitamin A. Even if the magnitude of the deficiency is small, it is increasing cancer risk. When the body is lacking small quantity of micro-nutrients, it uses them first for vital functions and the short term survival. Other functions, like the cell damage repairs are put aside. 

                               Micronutrient Testing and Supplement Consultations
                                                          Are available
                                          Lisa Mittry, CNC, CPT

                                     La Costa Chiropractic and Wellness Center
                                              6986 El Camino Real, Suite F
                                                   Carlsbad, CA  92009
                                                  760.438.9548 (phone)
                                                    760.438.1603 (fax)

                                         “Driven by Passion, Inspired by Love”